About Austria

The listed services are just a few companies and products that we have heard of. This list is by far not a complete list of service providers in Austria. We haven’t tested all of these services, we cannot guarantee that they are cheap, good or even available. IAESTE Austria is in no way affiliated with the companies providing these services.

Customs and Habits in Austria


When it comes to taxation in Austria, many people have the feeling that tax rates are too high and tax laws are too complicated. At least in your case high taxation rates can be fought by filing a tax return or claiming VAT in certain circumstances. The following article will give you a brief overview on taxation in Austria relevant for trainees and employees from abroad. It is not be understood as a tax consultancy service. The provided information is based on the tax legislation in force as at May 2013.

Please note: Pursuant to local legislation IAESTE must not give advise on taxation in any kind. Do not rely on the information furnished below without seeking advise from a professional tax consultant. The information provided is not complete and/or may not outline specific matters relevant for you.

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