About Us

IAESTE Austria is a non profit organization operated by dedicated students, that are working at universities with students, graduates, universities and companies, to provide young science and engineering students from around the world with paid, course related work experience. Our work is organized voluntarily and free of charge by students for students.

IAESTE is an internationally operating student led organization, providing study-field specific internships in the technical and natural sciences. The “International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience” was founded after World War II  in London from 10 European countries. So far, we have created a globally operating network in more than 80 countries, annually providing approximately 5.000 jobs.

IAESTE Austria is member of IAESTE A.s.b.l.. The umbrella organizations headquarter is located in Luxembourg. IAESTE Austria is divided into National Committee (NC) and Local Committees (LC). The National Committee of IAESTE represents at international level and coordinates the local committees at the national level. The local committees are representing IAESTE mainly at technical universities in the country. In addition to the support of the companies and trainees, the local committees also organize TECONOMY career fairs and the CompanyShuttle.


IAESTE Exchange Program

The IAESTE Exchange program provides students from Austrian universities and colleges with internships abroad and also reversed foreign students with internships in Austria. The mission hereby is to promote international understanding and provide students with further education.

IAESTE Career Fairs

IAESTE career fairs, TECONOMY, support science and research. We enable companies to present themselves and their work at universities and to get in contact with students, professors and their scientific staff.

IAESTE Career Shuttle

The IAESTE Career Shuttle are field trips with recruiting character to companies for students in technical and scientific fields of study. It allows companies to interact with students and present themselves and their workplace.

Exchange with other IAESTE committees around the world

To promote international understanding among the members we organize meetings with other committees around the world. In among the fun, friendships are formed, knowledge is shared and relationships built.

Further education among members

Volunteering with IAESTE can be a rewarding experience. By getting involved you can develop new skills. By developing and carrying out different projects  your organisational, managerial, financial and social skills will improve quickly.


Since 1949 Austria participates in the IAESTE program, whereby the exchange program was carried out by ÖKISTA.

At the end of the 80s a dedicated group of students from TU Vienna established, with the goal to increase the number of internships in Austria. In addition to more internships, company contacts, an international study fair and the first career fair (22.November 1989) were organized. In order to support the voluntary work of the students a board of trustees with representatives from science, business and politics was founded to supervise the association.

The success spoke for the initiators. Motivated through this, the IAESTE spirit was spreaded at other technical universities, which had the result that other committees were soon founded. During this initial period, regular meetings were held with ÖKISTA and the ÖKISTA curators, which aimed to achieve a student-run IAESTE. More IAESTE Local committees at BOKU, TU Graz and TU Leoben were founded and IAESTE Austria was now student-runned.

The final independence of IAESTE led by students became reality in January 1992 with the official founding of the Austrian umbrella organization IAESTE Austria. Shortly afterwards the Local committees in Linz and Innsbruck were built. The infrastructure was provided by the universities as well as by the National Union of students. Recognition as a legitimate successor to ÖKISTA was achieved at the international level one year later at the General Conference in Cork, Ireland. The success of the student idea can be measured by the fact that the voluntarily active students in Austria were already able to triple the number of practice places in a year.

The success in Austria was also transferred to neighboring countries such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia . Also here equally successful organizations were established. Within the first two years, four international seminars and conferences were organized by IAESTE Austria (Post Seminar Conference of the 5th SID in Vienna, 1st Nationalconvention in Modre in June 92, Marketing Conference in Winter 92/93 in Graz, 7th SID in Annaberg). At this time Austria began to become more important to student run organizations on international level.

When the first generation change came the “IAESTE Oldies” emerged and were then the first “IAESTE Austria Alumni”, that were already active in their profession and helped then IAESTE with the future active members.


You have completed an IAESTE internship and/or have been a contributing member of IAESTE?

Join the IAESTE Alumni Network.


IAESTE Austria Alumni are former volunteers from all over Austria. The club was formed to maintain old friendships, share experiences and support active IAESTE. The IAESTE Alumni Club is not only a network to reunite but als for professional networking.

Everybody who is not an active member of IAESTE anymore but wants to stay informed and/or wants to support active IAESTE members, is welcome to join.



Members of our newsletter are automatically added to our e-mail newsletter. Usually, emails are sent out every 3 months (or more often to inform about occasions and events).

IAESTE Alumni Network

IAESTE asbl is operating the international alumni platform for former members as well as trainees. The platform was relaunched in 2017. In the future, that’s where we want to focus communication among ourselves.


To join the IAESTE Austria Alumniclub sign up for our newsletter here.


IAESTE Austria Alumni – Vereinigung ehemaliger IAESTE-Mitglieder

Paniglgasse 16/1
1040 Wien
Email: vorstand@alumni.iaeste.at
ZVR: 506102642


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